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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
14 Apr, 2022
Bryan/College Station,
Brushing your teeth,
Dental Health,
Dentist Appointment,
Oral Health,
Routine Cleaning,
Excessive Pain,
Changes in Your Gums,
Uncomfortable to Eat,
Dry Mouth,
Jaw Pain,
Spots and Sores in Your Mouth,
Atkins and Anderson Dentistry |
Atkins Anderson DDS News,
Dental Health |
Maybe you’re meticulous about brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and scheduling a cleaning twice a year with your dentist. Keep it up! This is the best practice to avoid and prevent oral health problems. But how do you know if it’s time to make an appointment outside of routine cleaning? Below is a list of 8 signs that it’s time to call your dentist. If you notice at least one of these issues, don’t wait. Our team at Atkins and Anderson Dentistry is here to serve you and help y...
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Flossing your teeth is an important step in your dental hygiene. You can protect your teeth and gums from decay by removing bacteria and food residue when you floss at least once a day. Find a time of day when you have a few extra minutes to floss after brushing your teeth. To make sure you’re flossing the right way, we’ve simplified the process into six easy steps.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
18 Aug, 2021
Dental Health,
Children's Dental Needs,
Dental Care,
Healthy Teeth,
Healthy Habits,
Oral Care,
Family Dentistry,
College Station,
Atkins and Anderson Dentistry |
Pediatric Dentistry,
Dental Health,
Dental Tips |
During this busy time, many people forget about the importance of taking care of their children’s dental needs. But the start of the new school year is a great time to revamp your oral care habits and prioritize a healthy mouth. Here are three tips you can do today to get your children (and their teeth) ready for the school year.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
17 Dec, 2019
Dental Health,
Craig Anderson,
Brady Atkins,
Lindsey Atkins,
College Station,
Food |
Atkins Anderson DDS News,
Nutrition |
We all know the benefits of regular and consistent brushing and flossing. Plaque produces acid that causes cavities, damages tooth enamel, and may even lead to gum disease. Brushing and flossing keep our teeth healthy by removing sugar and food particles that team up with bacteria to cause plaque.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
06 Dec, 2019
Craig Anderson,
Brady Atkins,
Lindsey Atkins,
College Station,
Pediatric Dentistry,
Teeth |
Atkins Anderson DDS News,
Dental Services,
Pediatric Dentistry |
Are you waiting for the day when your child shouts, “My tooth is loose!”? Most kids look forward to the day they feel a tooth wiggle – it’s a big milestone for them, and you. When permanent teeth begin to push through the gums, the roots of baby teeth are reabsorbed. The only thing holding them in place, once they’re loose, is a small amount of tissue. The average age most children begin to lose their baby teeth is 6 years, but some lose their first tooth as young as 4 or as old as 7. Gener...
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
10 Jul, 2019
Anderson & Atkins,
Anderson & Atkins DDS,
Dr. Brady Atkins,
Dr. Lindsey Atkins,
Dr. Craig Anderson,
College Station,
Dental Care,
Oral Health,
Oral Health,
Oral Cancer,
Coffee Oral Cancer Prevention |
Atkins Anderson DDS News,
Dental Health,
Nutrition |
A research team commissioned by the National Coffee Association discovered that 64% of Americans drink at least one cup of coffee every day. Maybe you fall into this category and have wondered whether or not you should try to kick the habit. But did you know that coffee can actually have positive effects on your oral health? We’ll show you why you don’t have to avoid your daily cup of joe in order to protect your teeth and gums. Better yet, your coffee intake may actually reduce your risk for ...
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
25 Jun, 2019
Anderson & Atkins,
Anderson & Atkins DDS,
Dr. Brady Atkins,
Dr. Lindsey Atkins,
Dr. Craig Anderson,
College Station,
Dental Care,
Oral Health,
Children |
Atkins Anderson DDS News,
Pediatric Dentistry,
Nutrition |
There are many ways you can take an active role to ensure the oral health of your children. But our bodies are incredible, and one of the best ways to keep your mouth healthy is completely out of your control! This powerful tool is saliva. In most cases, you have no control over your saliva production and yet it takes care of your oral health in multiple ways. Learn more about the benefits of saliva and how you can make sure your child is producing enough.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
20 Mar, 2019
Anderson & Atkins,
Anderson & Atkins DDS,
Dr. Brady Atkins,
Dr. Lindsey Atkins,
Dr. Craig Anderson,
College Station,
Dental Care,
Oral Health,
Afraid of the Dentist,
Dental Anxiety,
Fear of Dentist,
Dental Fear,
Dentist Fear,
Dental Anxiety |
Atkins Anderson DDS News,
Dental Services,
Pediatric Dentistry |
Nearly 15% of Americans claim to be afraid of the dentist. You are not alone in your hesitation to schedule an appointment. Whatever your reason for fearing a dentist appointment, Anderson and Atkins, DDS is here to help ease your anxiety. We want you to have a positive experience in our office and we want you to schedule regular visits so that your mouth can be healthy. Follow our advice and your next appointment may just be one of your best yet.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
06 Mar, 2019
Anderson & Atkins,
Anderson & Atkins DDS,
Dr. Brady Atkins,
Dr. Lindsey Atkins,
Dr. Craig Anderson,
College Station,
Dental Care,
Oral Health When Sick,
Dental Care When Sick |
Atkins Anderson DDS News,
Dental Health,
Dental Tips,
Nutrition |
When you’re sick, it’s important to take care of your body, including your teeth. Brushing your teeth is still a necessary habit and may even help you feel better. However, there are certain things you want to avoid and special practices to adopt in order to take care of your mouth while you don’t feel well.
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Atkins & Anderson, DDS |
20 Feb, 2019
Anderson & Atkins,
Anderson & Atkins DDS,
Dr. Brady Atkins,
Dr. Lindsey Atkins,
Dr. Craig Anderson,
College Station,
Same Day Dentures,
Immediate Dentures,
Dentures |
Atkins Anderson DDS News,
Dental Services,
Our Technology,
Cosmetic Dentistry |
The idea of "same-day" dentures may be appealing to you. But it’s not quite as simple as the name makes it out to be. Let us show you the details behind same day dentures so you know exactly what to expect. At Anderson & Atkins, DDS we want you to be informed and confident when it comes to making decisions about your teeth. Find out if same day-dentures is the best course of treatment for you.
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